STaffing Executives Virtual Experience
Thursday, April 8, 2021
Dialogue & Breakout: 2:00 - 3:15 ET
1-1 Networking: 3:30 - 4:30 ET
FREE for First 50 Staffing Owners/Execs to register. 50% off for Club members.
STEVE which stands for STaffing Executives Virtual Event, is designed for Staffing Company Owners and Executives looking to improve the health and value of their businesses through peer sharing of best practices and lessons learned. After all, YOU are the market… not some dated and verbose printed research.
Professional Facilitation
Focus on takeaways and action
60-minutes of 1:1 Meetings
5 private 1-1 meetings with video
FREE Tickets Available
First 20 get FREE access
1:50 Pre-event Networking
2:00 Keynote: Outsourcing RPO Landscape and Impacts - How to scale your business like 50 other staffing firms with Amit Somaiya, Group CEO and Bryan Tweed, VP, Key Accounts, IMS People Possible
2:25 Choose your Breakout
Direct Sourcing
How to Play in the Direct Sourcing Sandbox with Talent Curation
Praneeth Patlola, WillHire and Gus Samra, JobDiva
Delivery Metrics that Sell
Using metrics to sell and win business (and scale production)
Bryan Tweed, IMS People Possible
3:00 Buyer Insights for Sales Success: 200 Buyers Can’t be Wrong. Jim Coughlin shares how to leverage 100+ hours of direct market intelligence to create a different sales approach
3:30 One-on-One Networking
4:30 Program concludes
4:30 Program concludes