Extended workforce ENTERPRISE Mastermind group
Exclusively for Procurement and Talent Acquisition Leaders in the Global Talent Ecosystem.
Enterprise-only Mastermind Group
Membership for this group is restricted to global procurement and talent acquisition leaders. You must be responsible for managing a Talent program at your Company.
Past Mastermind Topics
How well can Direct Sourcing work without a VMS?
Decision-making process behind taking your program in-house from a MSP and/or outsourcing your program to an MSP
Tiering practices / strategies for suppliers
Global Programs and challenges
IC and Compliance concerns
Direct Sourcing models and practices
Self-Managed Programs - opportunities and challenges
VIEW Enterprise-Authored Content
Genuine content written and collaborated on by Procurement and Talent Acquisition without influence by vendors
REGISTER for monthly virtual ZOOM Meetings
Regular meetings the first Wednesday of every month.
OPEN Member Directory
Transparency into who is involved in this group and writing and editing our content.
ClubVMSA Benefits to Enterprise Members
Member Directory
Our members work in Procurement and Talent Acquisition in Fortune 1000 global companies. Collaborate with the best in the industry. Get a mix of thought leadership, best practices, strategies and tactics to optimize your global extended workforce programs. (Picture, Name and LI Profile link)
Blogs - Access is complimentary
Learn current trends from Enterprise Members of the Mastermind Group published here and to LinkedIn on a regular basis. The blogs are written and edited by our Members and are free for all to enjoy.
Executive Content, Workbooks & Document Libary
Access Member-created collaborations on most current trends, thought leadership and workbooks.