Authors: Amy Dawson, Kevin Poll, & Jim Coughlin
We have created a Mastermind of Enterprise professionals to create and publish solutions for Contingent Workforce programs… from the perspective of Procurement and Talent Acqusition.
Why an Enterprise Mastermind?
“A Mastermind consists of two or more people who work in perfect harmony for the attainment of a definite purpose.”
Since January of 2021 several dozen Enterprise leaders in Talent Acquisition, Extended Workforce Management and Global Procurement have come together to solve common challenges. The ClubVMSA Enterprise Mastermind group is an opportunity for leaders to share their ideas and solve challenges that they are passionate about. It’s incredibly exciting to help address really important topics including: Diversity and Inclusion, Statement of Work (SOW), Direct Sourcing, Talent Acquisition, Supplier Optimization, and Self-Managed programs
We have an important mission
Our mission is to create and publish “Current Best Practices documentation” from the collective insight of all our mastermind participants. Several senior leaders in Global Procurement, Talent Acquisition and Corporate Sourcing have been contributing to the topics listed above – openly sharing processes, program insights and lessons learned. The goal is to have a “go-to” repository for any Enterprise Contingent Workforce leader to access and use.
Do you have something to Contribute?
Two minds are better than one, and the more minds involved the merrier. We are an inclusive group of Enterprise Leaders who welcome collaboration and connection. Maybe you have insight, comments.
If you are an Enterprise Leader from Procurement or Talent Acquisition specializing in the Extended Workforce, Join our FREE monthly Mastermind Group Zoom Meetings the first Wed of every month.
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